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[BooksThe C++ Programming Language (Third Edition)

Description: 最为经典的c++教程,大概好多人都有了中文版吧?这个是英文原版的,推荐-most classic c Directory, a lot of people probably have a Chinese version of it is the original English version and recommended
Platform: | Size: 4190208 | Author: | Hits:

[BooksThe C Programmin

Description: The C Programming Language-The C Programming Language
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: 无名 | Hits:

[BooksThe C Programming Language

Description: 最经典的c语言教程-classic c Language Guide
Platform: | Size: 247808 | Author: 许高明 | Hits:

[BooksThe C Programming Language(2rddition)

Description: 推荐一本C语言的好书,英文原版的.-recommend a C-language books, the English original.
Platform: | Size: 1075200 | Author: 刘学军 | Hits:

[BooksKernighan and Ritchie - The C Programming Language

Description: Kernighan and Ritchie - The C Programming Language c程序设计语言(第二版)称作是C语言学习的圣经-Kernighan and Ritchie- The C Programming Language c Programming Language (2nd edition) is called the C language of the Bible
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: 马成龙 | Hits:


Description: MIT.Press,.The.Scheme.Programming.Language.(2003),.3Ed.LiB.pdf
Platform: | Size: 2660352 | Author: q | Hits:

[VC/MFCC语言圣经 1.0

Description: C语言圣经 The C programming Language By Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. -C language Bible, The C programming Language By Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: 撒嗯 | Hits:

[VC/MFCThe C++ Programming Language

Description: C++程序设计语言 全世界最出名的C++基础教材,从C++基本语法,到C++面向对象,再到C++标准库,都有很详细并且深入浅出的阐述。不论是C++的初学者还是专家,这都是一本不可多得的好书-C programming language of the world's most famous C based materials, basic syntax from C to the object-oriented C, and then C standard library, there is a detailed and easy manner. Both C beginners or experts, this is a rare books
Platform: | Size: 2627584 | Author: 夏玉 | Hits:


Description: 讲解C编程的经典书籍,对于学习C编程十分有帮助。-On the C programming classic books, for learning C programming very helpful.
Platform: | Size: 2565120 | Author: 汪灏 | Hits:


Description: Brian W. Kernighan和Dennis M. Ritchie.写的权威C语言书籍。 -Brian W. mts and Dennis M. Ritchie. The right to write Granville C language books.
Platform: | Size: 247808 | Author: 李林 | Hits:


Description: the c programming language
Platform: | Size: 1921024 | Author: 杜洋 | Hits:


Description: 大名鼎鼎的The c programming language(2nd)的题解,必看好书。-The famous The c programming language (2nd) solution of the title, a must-see book.
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: 徐卫国 | Hits:


Description: 传说中的c语言四书五经:一、The C Programming Language C程序设计语言(第2版·新版) 二、Pointers on C C和指针 三、Expert C Programming C专家编程 四、C Traps and Pitfalls C陷阱与缺陷 五、《C语言接口设计与实现》 -C language legendary Four Books and Five Classics: First, The C Programming Language C Programming Language (new version of Release 2) Second, Pointers on CC and three-pointer, Expert C Programming C Programming four experts, C Traps and Pitfalls C traps and defects in five, C Language Interface Design and Implementation
Platform: | Size: 46175232 | Author: 郭亮 | Hits:


Description: 英文版的教材,内容写的不错,很容易懂。能够帮助你提高C++方面的能力。-English teaching materials, the content written well, it is easy to understand. Can help you improve C++ Capacity.
Platform: | Size: 247808 | Author: ljw | Hits:


Description: 英文版和中文版都有的哦,学习C的好书,好难得的-In English and Chinese have the Oh, the good book to learn C, so rare
Platform: | Size: 7444480 | Author: lifmei | Hits:


Description: 已经正式出版,西安电子科技大学出版社,C++程序设计语言,作者揣锦华,PPT格式-Has been officially published, Xi' an University of Electronic Science and Technology, C++ programming language, the authors surmise Jinhua, PPT format
Platform: | Size: 27584512 | Author: 宋大力 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopThe-C-programming-Language-

Description: 《C程序设计语言》是由C语言的设计者Dennis M. Ritchie和著名计算机科学家Brian W. Kernighan编写的一部介绍标准C语言及其程序设计方法的权威性经典著作。全面、系统地讲述了C语言的各个特性及程序设计的基本方法,包括基本概念、类型和表达式、控制流、函数与程序结构、指针与数组、结构、输入与输出、UNIX系统接口、标准库等内容。 -"C Programming Language"by the C language, and the famous designer Dennis M. Ritchie Brian W. Kernighan computer scientist describes the preparation of a standard C language and programming methodology of the authority of the classics. Comprehensively and systematically about the various characteristics of C language and the basic method of programming, including basic concepts, types and expressions, control flow, function and program structure, pointers and arrays, structure, input and output, UNIX system interface, the standard Library and so on.
Platform: | Size: 6396928 | Author: cl | Hits:


Description: 一本介绍C语言编程的书,作者Brian W. Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie 第二版-One introduces C programming language book, the author Brian W. Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie Second Edition
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: xiaofang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopThe-C-Programming-Language

Description: C程序设计语言(第2版·新版) 原出版社: Prentice Hall PTR 作者: [美]Brian W.Kernighan,Dennis M.Ritchie 译者: 徐宝文 李志 书号: 7-111-12806-0 页码: 258 开本: 16开 版次:2-1 丛书名: 计算机科学丛书 出版社: 机械工业出版社 -C Programming Language (2nd Edition version) The original publishers: Prentice Hall PTR Author: [U.S.] Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie Translator: Xu Baowen Li ISBN: 7-111-12806-0 Page: 258 Folio: 16 open edition times :2-1 Series Title: Computer Science Series Publisher: Machinery Industry Press
Platform: | Size: 825344 | Author: lib | Hits:

[BooksThe C++ Programming Language(4thEdition)

Description: The C++ Programming Language(4thEdition)
Platform: | Size: 6994944 | Author: GoldenThree_qf | Hits:
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